Shared Calendar

Creation date: 3/13/2023 11:16 AM    Updated: 5/24/2023 9:29 AM    select calendar shared calendar
Share your calendar with others so they can view details about your schedule.

Share your calendar

  • In outlook , Select Calendar > Share Calendar.
  • Choose a calendar to share.
  • Select Add, decide who to share your calendar with, and select Add.
  • Select OK and you'll see the added people with a default permission level.
  • Choose a name, select the access level to give, and select OK.

Open a shared calendar

  • Open an email with a shared calendar and select Accept.
  • Select Calendar > Shared Calendars to view a shared calendar.
  • Choose a calendar to open.
  • Select View in Overlay Mode to layer the shared calendar over your own.

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